Theme 1
Discoveries in the molecular, proteomic and cellular make-up of eye tissues.
The retina is an extension of the central nervous system; photoreceptors are post-mitotic and their loss leads to irreversible blindness. The cornea, the transparent covering of the eye, when diseased limits the light that falls on the retina, leading to vision impairment. Our cluster members have expertise in the retina and cornea. We will use proteomics and super-resolution microscopy to obtain subcellular resolution of the retinal and corneal tissues and identify target proteins that are responsible for retinal and corneal cell atrophy.
Principal Investigators Principal Investigators
Dougls Altshuler, Leonard Foster, Cheryl Gregory-Evans, Blair Leavitt, Zaid Mammo, Joanne Matsubara, Orson Moritz, Ivan Robert Nabi, Claire Sheldon, Elizabeth Simpson