Our sense of sight is paramount to our behaviour, movements, everyday tasks, and interactions with the world around us. The Vision Cluster comprises of research and clinical experts in vision science and cutting-edge technologies to form interdisciplinary teams. Together we are solving scientific questions that will speed up new treatments and therapies for blinding eye diseases.
Vision is a two-part process. First, the eyes focus on images to receive information. Second, the visual cortex in the brain interprets those images. As interdisciplinary teams, our eye and brain experts and community partners will explore questions about vision and blindness from molecules to behaviour to society.
Research Goals
Our research goals are:
To understand the biological and psychophysical basis of how we see the world around us;
To translate our knowledge into novel, cutting edge technologies for the early diagnosis and treatment of blinding eye disease; and
To discover how vision affects behaviour and perception of artistic creations.
Research Themes
The researchers, clinicians, and partners in The Vision: Molecules, Behaviour, Society Research Excellence Cluster are together on the road to achieving our research goals under 5 themes.
Theme 1: Molecular, Cellular and Eye. Learn More
Theme 2: Brain Imaging and Artificial Intelligence. Learn More
Theme 3: Eye Tissue Substitutes. Learn More
Theme 4: Ophthalmic Imaging for Eye and Brain Disease. Learn More
Theme 5: Accessibility of Vision Care in Society. Learn More