Miranda Tsuyuki BSc (Hons)

(She, Her, Hers)

Undergraduate Student


Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Faculty of Medicine

Ms. Tsuyuki is currently a Bachelor of Arts Candidate at the University of British Columbia. She completed her Bachelor of Science (Honours) in 2021 at the University of British Columbia. Ms. Tsuyuki's area of specialization is investigation of retinal diseases through biochemical and immunological methods. Recently, Ms. Tsuyuki investigated inflammasome activation in age-related macular degeneration and proteins of Alzheimer's eye using biochemical and immunological methods.

Ms. Tsuyuki competed the Summer Student Research Project funded by UBC’s Faculty of Medicine (2020), a Summer Student Research Project with BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute (2020), a NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (2021), a Work-Learn position (2021-2022), and the Multidisciplinary Research Program in Medicine (2022) with the Matsubara Lab.

Ms. Tsuyuki has a Siberian Husky named Yukiko!



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