Hello everyone!
Welcome to the Vision Research Cluster's blog. The blog section is for the Vision Cluster administrator to share with you what we have been doing, what we are working on, and what's coming up ahead. Visit the blog regularly for updates. From time to time, we welcome volunteer bloggers to share their experiences at Vision Cluster's events. To get involved, inquire Ruanne at ruanne.lai@ubc.ca.
For 3 months, the website development team have been working hard at creating this website. A huge thank you to all the members who have shared their information via the intake form. As of today, we have 22 faculty members, 22 trainees, 3 research staff, and 3 research stuff, together we span over 20+ departments/units/schools/centre at UBC. Learn more
Throughout the summer, our subclusters have met. During these meetings, exciting collaborative ideas emerged and the wheels are turning!
We are looking forward to the upcoming events in September: Research Seminars, Photo Contest, and Trainee's Meet and Greet. Learn more
- Youf web development team: Ruanne Lai, Arno Pan (BCIT Student), Ariane Madden (VPRI Communications)